Donate by cheque, bank transfer or over the phone - Debra Ireland

Donate by cheque, bank transfer or over the phone

Your donation funds respite, counselling sessions for adults with EB, play therapy for children, home visits, home adaptations and specialised EB training for nurses and medical staff, research projects, amongst other things.

Donate by cheque

You can post a cheque, bank draft or postal order made payable to: Debra.

Address: DEBRA Ireland, Butterfly Cottage, 8 Clanwilliam Terrace, Grand Canal Quay, FREEPOST F4073, Dublin 2, D02 R240. Please include your details so we can thank you!


Donate by phone

You can donate over the phone by calling us during our office hours (9am to 5pm, Monday to Friday) on +353 412 6924 and a member of the fundraising team will securely take the donation.

Donate by bank transfer

You can also donate by bank transfer:

  • Bank Name: Allied Irish Bank, Rathgar
  • Bank Address: 9 Terenure Road Rathgar Dublin 6 D06 F512
  • Account Name: DEBRA Ireland
  • Account Number: 03800009
  • Sort Code: 93-10-98
  • IBAN: IE17 AIBK 9310 9803 8000 09
  • N.B. Please reference your name, or organisation name, on any lodgements or transfers and email us at to let us know the details of your donation. This is so we can be sure to identify your gift correctly and thank you for your kindness

Other ways you can support us
